Well, finally we are on the air!

This site is to promote direct democracy and harmonious, cooperative management. First I need to tell you how much I worked to develop the site.
I never imagined a site would be so much frustration and satisfaction. So many frustrating mistakes! Learning WordPress.org is A LOT of work. The satisfaction came from fixing every mistake. The bottom line is satisfaction. Big achievement for me what for others is simple.
My “computer background” is Office and Open Office. Eons ago I studied FORTRAN. FORTRAN has nothing to do with WordPress. To my surprise, I learned in Wikipedia that FORTRAN is not dead. Physicists work with FORTRAN for climate and astronomical calculations.
I chose WordPress.org because many people who know say that WordPress is the best choice to build a website. The cost of learning is low too, if you learn WordPress as a hobby, or do not pay yourself much. WordPress itself is free.
Once I chose WordPress, I learned and learned… and learned. I sorted out things working on the site hosted on my computer, without uploading it anywhere.
To make a WordPress site work, you need other programs called “Wordpress plugins”. But it is not like; “here are the 5 plugins you need”. There are many for every need. There are free plugins, partly free and others are not free. I had to do a lot of Internet “walking” to decide which suited me.
Internet to me is the new Library of Alexandria, everything is there. I like the name Library of Alexandria” better than “Internet” or the “Web”. I wonder if Amazon’s Alexa got her name from the Library of Alexandria; Alexa´s goal seems to be: “I have the answers”.
Internet has everything, but the way you ask determines what the search engines “fish”. Small changes can make a big difference.
Tons of places teach WordPress. I entered “Wordpress tutorial videos” and several good ones popped up. I find videos more entertaining and easier to follow. For me it works best with two computers. On one computer I open my site, on another computer I play the video and apply to my site the instructions in the video.

I also looked up many established blogs. I checked the sites of Michelle Malkin, Politicus, Red State, Real Clear Politics, Seth’s Blog, Jane Friedman’s, The Creative Penn. I studied them for style, layout, content and features.

Once I felt comfortable with the site, I needed a host, a home for my site. After more searching, I chose FastComet. It is price competitive and has excellent reviews. My experience confirms the reviews.

 I uploaded my site to FastComet but without making it available for pick up by search engines. I had more to learn about WordPress and about Fastcomet.
FastComet has instant-fast and practical help service 24/7. I use it often. They do not compensate me in any shape or form for saying this. I say FastComet is good because it is good.
My next blog will be about direct democracy and cooperative business practices.
See you.
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