Ethereum, Bitcoin are about the removal of centralized financial decision-making, where a few decide for the many.
Direct democracy is about decentralized monetary, political, social, economic, educational, etc., decision-making.
Switzerland has been practising decentralized decision-making, with its direct democracy, for almost two centuries. And it works for the people; that is why Switzerland is the best managed country in the World, the most democratic, the most stable, the one with the most intelligent foreign policy of neutrality (the Swiss will die only to defend their country from direct attack, not in crazy wars in far-away lands), the best universal health care and many other “bests”.
It is natural Switzerland be more friendly to Bitcoin, Ethereum, etc. than the US, Canada, the UK, France, and other major representative democracies; the Swiss government, the banks, etc., are used to final decision-making, decentralized decision-making, by the people. In the other countries neither the government nor the banks are used to that, and they fear both, bitcoin and direct democracy.
Switzerland allowed the Word’s fist crypto Exchange Traded Fund (ETF), it is logical that it be so.
Representative democracies are based on centralized decision making in all areas; political, economic, social, educational. Voting is decentralized in representative democracies, power is centralized and Crypto is a threat to them.
Do not be fooled; politicians in representative democracies dislike bitcoin and the rest because it removes from them a lot of decision.making. That is why they dislike direct democracy either.
In representative democracies, politicians will, reluctantly, accept Bitcoin and the rest only if opinion polls show they will lose the next election if they do not accept it, nothing else concerns them. Between elections, the people in representative democracies can not really control the politicians and the politicians like that very much.
Politicians in representative democracies talk a good game of “fighting for the people”, but are really interested in preserving their own power. In this way they can do what is best for the people, as the politicians see it.
For example, when Elizabeth Warren attacks crypto “because it is used for criminal activities”, is just fighting to keep the centralized decision-making power the US Congress has over the life of Americans; economic, financial and everything else. The politicians and top officials in the UK, France, Germany, etc., are much the same.
When Janet Yellen does what Warren does, it is for the same reason, protection of their power.
People like them believe, or pretend to, they are more capable than the people to make the big decisions for the country. The Swiss people prove, decade after decade, that when the people have the power to be the final decision-makers on any issue they want to decide, they make better decisions than the politicians in representative democracies; this is why Switzerland is ahead of the US and the rest in practically any area of daily life.
Warren and Yellen know the US Dollar, not Bitcoin is, by far, the preferred tool for criminal activity.
Warren and Yellen also know that after decentralized finance, Americans will demand decentralized political decision-making, exactly like in Switzerland.
Totalitarian regimes, where one party, one person, one religion rules they fear Bitcoin even more than the politicians in representative democracies, and the news tell us every day that it is so.
If citizens in representative democracies want to be really free, they must demand the right to decide themselves any issue. Acceptance of Bitcoin, Ethereum and the rest extend direct democracy.
But accepting Bitcoin, Ethereum and other decentralized finance is not the most important thing, the most important thing is direct democracy; the rest are consequences.
But to get direct democracy, we have to wake up and demand it, like the Swiss did in 1867, interestingly, also because of another pandemic.
Victor Lopez